September newsletter: “Hello” grantees, RFP deadline approaching and more!
Subscribe to our newsletter! Meet our "hello" grantees! As part of our evolving grantmaking strategy, this year, the Horizon Foundation is piloting a process we call “hello” grants – small grants focused on meeting and[...]
“Hello” Grantee spotlight: SAILS and Community Development Network of Maryland
The Horizon Foundation’s new strategic plan that launched earlier this year brought a lot of change. For the first time in 25 years, the Foundation updated its mission, vision and values to represent a bold[...]
Open call to connect with Black women nonprofit leaders in Howard County!
The Horizon Foundation and the Women's Giving Circle are working to craft a report that identifies ways the community can better support Black women in leadership. Our hope is to elevate stories of Black women in Howard County,[...]
The Horizon Foundation is the largest independent health philanthropy in Maryland. We are committed to a Howard County free from systemic inequities, where all people can live abundant and healthy lives. We fight for equitable and compassionate health and mental health care, access to affordable and safe homes, a community where healthy food is accessible and affordable and where all residents are able to generate and pass down wealth. Our mission is to work side by side with community to build power, advocate for policy change and dismantle structural racism to achieve better health for everyone in Howard County and greater Maryland.